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, by Anna Edwards

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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1488 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 132 Seiten
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#347.994 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
This book is good. Its the story of Gawain and Megan and how he helps her over come a nightmare, that she goes through. I love Anna, and her writing. Her books is amazing! They give you all the fills and more.Cavalieri Della Morte is a group of 12 men, who are trained assassin's. They are the best at what they do, but sometimes life gets in the way of it.Redemption is about Gawain an assassin killer, and Megan a girl who has to deal with life after two years. When he gets called to do a job, he goes to find out that the job is a little more harder than he thought it will be. She will do anything to get over the past two years and have a normal life, but when they realize that her past is to close to home, they have no choice but to handle it.
This series about a modern knights of the round table has beed addictive and I love this latest installment.This is a dark story of kidnap and fortitude in the face of great suffering. Gawain isn’t a classic knight but he is there to save the day and the maiden in distress. Megan isn’t a classic victim but a twist of fate has made her one. These two have a great deal of ‘baggage’ to sort through and with an evil plotter in the background their path is anything but simple and straightforward.A fast paced and suspenseful dark story which kept me gripped throughout... I read an advanced copy of this book.
Gawain, oh how I have longed for your story.....and it did not disappoint! I loved Gawain when I first met him, and was like a school girl seeing her first band, excited to get my hands on his story. His story was everything I would have wanted and more! I loved watching Megan grow and take charge of her wants and needs. Gawains soft side made my heart melt, and I loved catching up with Kay and Evelyn.
Redemption by Anna Edwards, book number 10 of the Cavalieri Della Morte series but can be read as a standalone. There will be triggers in this one for some, I don’t want to spoil anything so all I’m going to say is sex trafficking is a big part of this story so if you have triggers to that sort of thing, proceed with caution. Anna Edwards is a new-to-me author but she did an amazing job on her installment to the Cavalieri Della Morte series. If you have been reading the series you know we’ve seen glimpses here and there of Gawain but now we get the full story of the mysterious man.“When Arthur calls, you answer without question. Sex is one thing but the thrill of a new assignment ignited the fire in my blood. Saving those who need it is the best feeling in the world.â€Gawain Vincent, one of the twelve assassins of the Cavalieri Della Morte. But Gawain’s situation is a little different than the other assassins. Arthur, the man in charge of these badass assassins, is Gawain’s Uncle. Each member of the Cavalieri have their own special set of skills, Gawain is not only a skilled fighter, but this ladies man has a sweet nature when it comes to women which makes him the best guy for the job when it comes to helping with victims of sex trafficking. But for Gawain, it’s personal.Gawain’s father was a horrible human being and made Gawain partake in unspeakable acts, and ever since Gawain got away from him he’s been seeking redemption for the sins he was forced to commit.“It’s why I’ve worshipped them with my body ever since, hoping that I’ll find some redemption for what I did.â€So when the Cavaleri gets a call about a trafficking ring, Gawain is Arthur’s first call.While out with her friend Lena to celebrate her 24th birthday Megan Ragnell is taken by sex traffickers. Shortly after being taken Megan is sold to a sadistic man she only knows as “Mâ€. This “M†does despicable things to Megan, for two long years she’s kept in a room in “M’s†house where she suffers mental and physical abuse at his hand.Unfortunately, when Gawain and his brothers get there to save Megan, the mysterious “M†has already escaped. With “M†still on the loose and the overwhelming connection Gawain feels towards her, he takes Megan home with him to help get her on the road to recovery and to make sure she’s safe while she heals.Megan is a shell of the woman she used to be, scared, frightened, and fragile. As a trained sex slave she’s been conditioned to be a certain way and it’s not easy for her to break from those habits.Slowly but surely she begins to flourish under Gawain’s care and despite her painful experience, she is still drawn to Gawain. Maybe it’s because he saved her, or maybe it’s because she feels safe around him, either way, she can’t stop.Gawain vows to avenge Megan and find “Mâ€, he won’t stop until “M†is incapable of ever hurting another woman again.But things take a turn when Gawain’s quest to find the mysterious “M†leads him closer to home than he ever could have imagined…Ahhh, I loved Gawain and Megan’s story! Watching Megan thrive under Gawain’s love and care, and Gawain finally learning how to forgive his self for the things that happened that were beyond his control, beautifully written.I only had a couple of issues with this one, for starters the relationship between Gawain and Megan… super fast for a victim of something like that. The ending, I just felt like it was way too rushed and I just wanted it to be… MORE. I mean the villain and all that was GREAT but I just needed more to that scene.Gawain is such a sweetheart and when he dressed up as Mr. Darcy for her…OMG, *sigh* despite his chosen profession Gawain is a GOOD man.Megan, that girl has gone through so, so much and came out stronger than ever on the other side. I was really happy to see that she went through counseling and not just completely healed by Gawain’s love, made things feel a lot more realistic for me.All in all, this one is a 4 1/2 from me and was a wonderful addition to the Cavalieri Della Morte series. Highly recommend.I voluntarily reviewed an advance complimentary copy of this book.
Redemption by Anna Edwards is the 10th book in the Cavalieri Della Morte series. All of the books in this series can be read as a standalone. This is a dark romance and has several triggers in it that might bother some. I ALWAYS read and pay attention to the triggers description by the author as I suggest you as a reader do as well. If you think it is something that will bother you please don’t read it.Gawain Vincent is one of twelve assassins of the Cavalieri Della Morte; which happens to be run by his uncle Arthur. Gawain strikes me as one of the most gentle of the assassins that I’ve met this far. He has a soft spot for women and loves to make them feel better; as you will learn in this book that something in his past has made him this way. Because of this, dealing with women has become his specialty within the organization. Megan was kidnapped and sold to a very disturbing man named M 2 years ago; she is finally rescued by Gawain. This is her story about how she comes to terms with the life she has been dealt and the shambles it’s left her life in. Gawain is patient and understanding of her needs and together they help fix what she deems broken. The patience and comfort he offers her is so surprising to me considering his career. I absolutely loved watching him deal with her tormentors and do what he can to help her. The soft side he shows from the start is such a contrast to the other assassins.My absolute FAVORITE part is that the author wrote this in such a way that it shows Megan as her own hero in the end. Taking control of her life and doing everything she needs to in order to overcome what has happened to her.
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